
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Amy's fantastic life captured in photos

On December 12th Amy was one inch tall. It was exciting watching her rapid growth. I have never observed watching another plant grow at such a fast rate. On the 25th she was 26 inches tall, that is 25 inches growth in  14 days.As she grew, her twin was trying to catch up with her. On the 31st of December her 4 magnificent blooms were open.
Her twin did catch up and is 7 inches taller than she is. Amys blooms are fading but she is still beautiful.

Amy's twin has caught up and will be as beautiful as she is.

1 comment:

Sue Frelick said...

Renate, your photos are so beautiful. I can't believe how huge your plants are. But I'm happy to report that my birthday 'Amy' has finally decided to do grow.

Keep blogging, you're doing great!